365 people made me a baseball psychic

I have accepted a challenge of making a list of 365 people who have in some way touched my life. Next I am to write a little blurb about them with a small hitch. I must write using the exact amount of words that equal my age for each person. In my case 41. At first I thought this would be impossible. My next thought was it would be a breeze. Now I go back and forth between the impossibilities and the opportunities

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Happiness is a choice!

Monday, January 08, 2007

181. Beth G.

To obtain credibility (as a pre-teen) I wanted to be your friend. With all of your credentials your popularity was because you were just plain-old-nice. It would’ve been easier if I figured out the “nice” approach as opposed to following you around like a kitten.


Blogger Mali said...

Nice to know that "nice" meant popular! ... and you've obviously figured out the "nice" approach now.

Loved that post

11:32 PM  

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